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Effective job management requires a clear and organised workflow, and our Pipeline module, designed with a Kanban-style interface, provides exactly that. This module is specifically tailored to enhance visibility, streamline processes, and ensure that every job moves smoothly from start to finish.

Jobs enter the Pipeline module manually from the Quotations module, ensuring that every job begins with a well-defined scope and agreed-upon terms. Once a quotation is approved and converted into a job, it can be manually moved into the Pipeline, marking the start of its journey through your production process.

Customisation is at the heart of our Pipeline module. Users can tailor the stages within the Kanban pipeline to fit their specific workflow, ensuring that the system aligns perfectly with their operational needs. Whether you have a simple process or a complex multi-stage workflow, our system adapts to your requirements.

Visual indicators and tags are available to help differentiate between various types of jobs or their urgency. This feature allows you to quickly identify priority tasks and manage your workload more effectively. Jobs can be easily moved between different stages with a simple drag-and-drop action, providing a dynamic and interactive way to manage your projects.

Our system provides customisable notifications and alerts when a job moves to a new stage or requires attention. These alerts can be sent to employees or directly to customers, ensuring that everyone involved is kept up to date. This feature enhances communication and helps prevent any delays or misunderstandings.

Filtering and sorting options allow you to organise jobs within the Kanban board by deadline, priority, or assigned team member. This flexibility ensures that you can quickly find and focus on the tasks that need immediate attention. Additionally, users can add comments or notes directly to jobs within the Kanban board, facilitating better team communication and collaboration.

Customer notifications can be integrated directly from the Kanban board, allowing you to send automated updates at specific stages. This feature keeps your clients informed about the progress of their projects, enhancing their satisfaction and trust in your services.

The Pipeline module also offers robust analytics and reporting features. You can track job progression, identify bottlenecks, and assess overall workflow efficiency. These insights enable you to make data-driven decisions and continuously improve your processes.

Furthermore, users can access historical data and an audit trail of each job’s progression through the various stages. This transparency ensures that you have a comprehensive record of all actions taken, providing accountability and facilitating any necessary reviews or audits.

Our Pipeline module, with its Kanban-style job management, transforms the way you handle projects. It provides a clear, visual representation of your workflow, enhances communication, and ensures that every job progresses smoothly and efficiently. Embrace the power of our Pipeline module and elevate your job management to new heights in the competitive Signage and Print Industry.

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