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As businesses grow, so does the complexity of managing customer relationships. This is where customer relationship management (CRM) systems come in. There are many CRM systems available in the market, but in this article, we’ll focus on HubSpot and why it’s a great choice for businesses. Built into Simply MIS we have a basic database that stores Customer and Supplier details but we know that a business needs more than that so we’ve integrated with Hubspot first. More CRMs will follow and we fully intend to develop the internal CRM in future releases too.

What is HubSpot?

HubSpot is a cloud-based CRM system that allows businesses to manage their customer relationships, track sales, and automate marketing campaigns. It offers a range of features and tools designed to streamline and improve the customer journey. HubSpot is user-friendly and customizable, making it a popular choice among businesses of all sizes.

Why use HubSpot?

Easy to Use: HubSpot is a user-friendly platform that is easy to navigate. It doesn’t require any technical expertise, and its intuitive interface makes it easy for users to learn quickly.

Customisable: HubSpot is highly customisable, allowing businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs. The platform includes a wide range of integrations, from email and social media to e-commerce and marketing automation tools.

Sales and Marketing Alignment: HubSpot brings together marketing and sales teams in a single platform. This makes it easier for both teams to work together, share data, and collaborate on campaigns, resulting in increased efficiency and better customer experiences.

Automated Marketing: HubSpot’s marketing automation features help businesses automate repetitive tasks, such as lead nurturing and email campaigns, freeing up time for teams to focus on other essential tasks.

Improved Customer Experience: HubSpot helps businesses provide a seamless and personalized experience for their customers. By collecting and analyzing customer data, businesses can gain insights into customer behaviour and preferences, allowing them to tailor their approach and provide better service.

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